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Visiting Alabama and Mississippi

Nicole J. Burton

As my visit to Alabama and Mississippi ends, I encourage those who've said they'd like to visit the Civil Rights Trail in these two states and get to know the people better. Lord knows, they can use the visitors. You can easily put together a trip itinerary as I did; it's America, same phones, same currency, Central time. Okay, maybe a different century but that's part of what's interesting. Among other sources, I was inspired by Dana Milbank's Washington Post column about taking his kids on the Civil Rights Trail for spring break last year. While traveling in my singular turquoise rental Jeep (shown by popular request), I met several groups on organized tours of civil rights sites, including those by Road Scholar and Distant Horizons. After spending almost two weeks and nine hundred miles traveling and meeting people, I took the Amtrak Crescent train home, enjoying a cozy roomette sleeping car for 24 hours from Hattiesburg to Washington, D.C. It was the best way to transit back to the 21st century and begin absorbing all I'd experienced. Tomorrow, my final thoughts.

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